Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
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PM v37.8 - Copyright (c) 1992 by MKSoft Development (Requires 2.0)
PM - A CPU Load Monitor
PM is a tool that monitors the Amiga system's CPU usage using some
hooks that are available in 2.04 EXEC. The program uses the high
resolution EClock timer to get real time values for the amount of
time the processor spends running tasks and the amount of time it
spends between tasks (in task switch and in sleep).
PM has full ReadArgs commandline input and it can also run from
the Workbench. (The tooltypes match the ReadArgs arguments)
PM can also be started by a Project Icon, in which case it will use
the tooltypes from the project icon.
PM has another feature and that is it can watch a specific task.
There is a TASK keyword which will make it watch the task in question.
This can be usefull in order to see exatly how much of the system
performance is spend on just that task.
When PM is not watching a specific task, it removes its own processing
from the total time such that any overhead it may cause is not noticed.
When PM is monitoring a specific task, PM's overhead is not counted as
part of the task's CPU usage.
There is also a PROP-gadget that controls the speed at which the
results are reported.
The two numbers at the bottom (when statistics are not turned off)
are the weighted average CPU usage and the instantanious CPU usage.
When monitoring a single task, the window titlebar will display the
task name.
Example usage:
PM ; Use the default settings
PM RATE 15 ; Set the rate to 15/100 seconds.
PM TASK MyTask ; Watch "MyTask" (Uses FindTask(), not CLI name)
PM NOSIZE ; Do not have the size/prop gadget.
PM will only let itself be installed once as a global monitor. However,
you can have PM monitor any number of tasks. PM will do its best to
not confuse the system on exit. It will beep the display if it can not
unhook itself from the system. When this happens it means that PM was
unable to remove the hook due to the fact that something else has hooked
into the system on top of PM.
(Command Line Arguments or Icon ToolTypes:)
LEFT/N Left edge for the window. Default=<none>
TOP/N Top edge for the window. Default=<none>
WIDTH/N Inner width of the window. Default=228
HEIGHT/N Inner height of the window. Default=40
RATE/K/N Rate of display in 1/100 sec Default=100 (1.00 sec)
TASK/K Task to monitor Default=<global CPU>
CLI/K/N The CLI number to monitor Default=<global CPU>
CHARTCOLOR/K/N The colour for the chart Default=1
MEMLINE/K/N Colour for the memory line Default=<no memory line>
RMSLINE/K/N Colour for the RMS line Default=<no RMS line>
PUBSCREEN/K Public screen name Default=<default>
NOSIZE/S Switch off size/prop gadget
NOSTATS/S Turn off numerical statistics
A window that shows the CPU usage...
The accuracy is so high that PM can even notice the task switch
overhead of the system. This "overhead" is considered part of
the CPU idle time (not CPU task time) and thus it may be hard to
to get a full 100% utilization if task switching is still going on.
If CHARTCOLOR is set to 0, the CPU chart is not drawn.
If a MEMLINE colour or RMSLINE colour is given, those lines will be drawn.
Special thanks to "talin" for the nice icon!
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master's ability to explain them to others." - Michael Sinz